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Conjunctivitis in rainy season By Dr. Chareenun Chirapapaisan

TRSC International LASIK Center
Rainy season brings greenery and cool climate with it. However, it also invites lot of health disorders as well. The most common illness is related to respiratory and skin system. Our eyes are also at risk of getting conjunctivitis or pink eye. Dr. Chareenun Chirapapaisan, Ophthalmologist at TRSC International LASIK Center has some suggestions for you.

Why "conjunctivitis" is an epidemic in the rainy season ... the rainy season provides a very suitable environment and weather for the manifestation and increased activity of latent microorganisms that can contaminate the eyes. The rain will wash away the dust that is in the building, roofs and fences and may splash into our eyes. In which, the rainwater may contain the virus or bacteria to cause eye infection which can occur within 1-2 days and contagious period is about 14 days. The symptoms are as follows:

- Redness in the white of the eye, irritation, burning sensation, watery, and discharge more than usual.

-If you have viral infection, you may experience the following symptoms, swollen eyelids, excessive tearing, swollen lymph nodes, coughing, sore throat and severe light sensitivity.

-If you have bacterial infection, there will be green or yellow discharge, tearing and blurry vision.

-If caused by allergies, you may feel itchy, burning and tearing.


1. Avoid close contact with patient and refrain from sharing personal items such as handkerchiefs, towels.

2. Avoid dust or dirty water get into the eyes and refrain from swimming at this stage.

3. Wash your hand often with soap and water and avoid touching or rubbing your eyes.

4. Avoid crowded areas such as public buses, BTS, MRT, etc. You may also wear sunglasses and windproof glasses if needed.

5. Be careful not to have any insect or foreign body get into the eyes.


1. Should have a lot of rest, stay home from work until you are recovered to prevent it from spreading.

2. Artificial tears can be used if irritation. If symptoms do not improve, please see an eye doctor for proper treatment.

During this time, please take a good care of your health. If any abnormality, you should see an eye doctor for proper medical treatment.

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